Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Time Flies...

I've noticed that as I get older, the faster that time appears to go by... Is it really over a year since I last wrote on here? Well, obviously it is as the dates will testify... I was sat thinking back earlier this week and remember myself and my best friend at the time remarking to each other (we were about eight or nine years old) that in the year 2000 we'll both be 36 years old, and it seemed a long , long way off, but here we are and we're EIGHT years PAST it...

I have cousins that are now GRANDPARENTS... hell, even my YOUNGER brother is a grandparent now... It doesnt seem two minutes ago that we were all new parents!!! My own eldest is 24 this year... TWENTY flamin FOUR!!!! Yet, inside I still feel like I did when I was younger... Obviously physically I look different, wrinkles appearing, hair pigment disappearing (leaving me with "silver" streaks), hair receding.. but other than that I'm still me...

Anyway, I'm gonna have to keep going with this now I've remembered where it is...


Anonymous said...

Well that was certainly some gap year!

I'll be keeping tabs on you Baldy ;)

Andy Milner said...

Damn, if I'm being watched I'd better be careful... :p