Thought I'd drop a few photo's in of myself...
Ok, here we are in good ole 1964...note the lack of hair :( Took a while for my hair to grow...
A bit of a jump now to when I was round 6 or 7 years old... the strange thing is that I know that it's me but he looks like someone completely different to who I am... I find it hard to explain the feeling, maybe it's something to do with age... Perhaps it's because I no longer look like that...
I used to hate having curly hair and tried as much as I could to flatten it... It never worked :( I must be somewhere around 10 on this photo, it's evidently one taken at school (the inclusion of my sister and brother gives it away)
And then we move into being a teenager (about 14 in this pic)... See what I mean about the hair? Bloody horrible thing, always luggy in a morning...

Aaaah, the first one that I can date definitively, taken in 1983. 18 when this was taken... I gave up the fags ten years later... :) But I still wear hats of some description... :) And what is that under my nose?
Let's have a closer look at the "caterpillar" under my nose... What was I thinking?
Lol... how to keep a promise and break it, eh?
I find this interesting, too, in a sense. The journey. And I recognize what you say about feeling that the kid you is somebody else than the now you - I feel the same way when i see pics of me as a small kitten ;-). Sometimes I feel some tenderness towards the little one, who has no idea what life has in store for her.
But, no, you are right. You managed to be "uninteresting" in the "not much to argue about" sense of the word. Thanks - meaning at least two things with that ;-)
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